TEJ Dance - Learn the Art of Partner Dancing

Dance and Connect in Ljubljana's Vibrant Summer Atmosphere with Tej Dance crew.

Experience the joy of dancing as a couple amidst the lively summer ambiance of Ljubljana with TEJ Dance. Our unique TEJ method offers a simple, cheerful, and effective approach to learning all dances in just a few hours. Leave behind the frustration of difficult steps and immerse yourself in the pleasure of dancing to the music, surrounded by the enchanting beauty of the Slovenian capital.

Whether you and your partner are beginners or have some dance experience, our program is designed to cater to all skill levels. No prior knowledge is required, only a desire to dance and comfortable shoes. Join us for a private lesson and discover the transformative power of dancing together.

We present two enticing options that capture the essence of summer in Ljubljana:

  1. Summer Dance Package: Experience the most popular dances ideal for parties and celebrations. This package is perfectly suited for small groups of up to 5 couples, allowing you to dance and connect with other enthusiastic dancers.

  2. Personalized Dance Lesson: Select your favorite dance style, and our dedicated teacher will provide individualized instruction tailored exclusively to you. Revel in the personal attention and guidance as you develop your dance skills and build confidence.

At TEJ Dance, we believe in creating unforgettable experiences. Let the vibrant summer atmosphere of Ljubljana inspire and invigorate you as you dance with your partner. Embrace the charm of touch, the beauty of movement, and the joy of connection.

Join us for a delightful dance journey and sign up for our program today. Make the most of your time in Ljubljana by embracing the magic of dancing as a couple. Let's dance, connect, and create lasting memories in the heart of Slovenia's captivating capital.



Prijavite se na TEJ novičnik

in dobili boste zanimive vsebine o tem, kako ples vpliva na duševno in telesno zdravje.

S prijavo na e-novice se strinjate, da TEJ Dance, plesna dejavnost, Tomo Tololeski s.p. v skladu s svojo politiko zasebnosti do vašega preklica hrani in obdeluje vaše osebne podatke za namen pošiljanja e-novic.